
Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

benefits of green tea mixed with lemon

benefits of green tea mixed with lemon One effective way to lose weight is to consume a mixture of cinnamon, honey and lemon. cinnamon

can help lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels and brain function. According to the results of the research be some cinnamon reduce swelling in the body, improving the ability of insulin to metabolize blood sugar, inhibit cancer cell growth and lowers blood pressure. The researchers also mmenemukan that cinnamon can reduce body fat and streamline the body.

Nutrients contained in the honey helps the weight loss process by dissolving fat cells and mmenurunkan cholesterol levels. This is because honey contains vitamins and minerals that help in improving the function of the digestive system. Researchers have tested the use of honey in patients with overweight and they concluded that honey not only helps in weight loss, but also to prevent weight gain and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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